Tuesday, November 19, 2019

BS Rider 2019 Christmas Party - Saturday, December 7th

The 2019 Christmas Party and Annual Meeting will be at the Pierce Mansion in Sioux City, Iowa on Saturday, December 7th at 6 p.m.  Bring a spouse or friend.  New members are welcome.

The main course will be smoked pork brisket and a brine turkey.  We are looking to have party goers bring either  a side-dish or desert if they can, but it's not required.  The club will supply plates, cups, and tableware.  If you want something to drink beside water or coffee bring it with you.  Please RSVP (brion.hase@gmail.com) if you are coming, if you are bringing a guest, and if you know what dish you are bringing.  

If you wish to participate, bring something to throw into the famous white elephant gift exchange at the Christmas party.  The suggested guideline is about $15 to $25.  Some gifts from prior years seem to reappear every year or two.  Stuffed animatronics which generated festive pop music are continually popular.  There has also always been battery charger.

Voting on the Big Johnson Award and new club officers will be before the gift exchange.  Be warned - people who don't show up can be nominated and elected.  Even non-members can be nominated to don't be afraid to nominate family, friends and fellow riders.  Club dues are $20/person or $25/family and mostly help cover expenses for the party and to cover a few minor expenses during the year.

Send your Big Johnson nominations to Jim - http://bigsiouxriders.blogspot.com/2014/01/big-sioux-riders-annual-big-johnson.html  According the rules you can win this award more then once and you don't have to be an official BS Rider member to win.

There is a B & B kitty-corner from the Pierce Mansion which some folks stay at - https://tinyurl.com/ycyakdmd and https://lindasuemanor.com/

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Update May 2nd, 2019

Just a few things to cover this week. 

Some call it aroma therapy, I explain it to the man as being golf league, but hopefully regardless of the excuse you are planning on using, it will warm up next week and we will be able to start our weekly Wednesday rides in earnest.  Be at Bak BMW by 4 PM weekly.  It's not required, but if you think you will be riding text me and I'll try to let you know if we are cancelling the ride for weather.  

It's nine short days until the BS Rider/Autobahn Spring Campout.  The food this year will be great!!  The people attending fun.  If you think your coming let me know.  Details: http://bigsiouxriders.blogspot.com/2019/01/16th-annual-big-sioux-riderautobahn.html

How often have you been able to ride with a real, live, famous celebrity?   Well Steve Martin is leading a BSR ride this Saturday morning (5/4) after breakfast.  Be at Bak BMW at 9:30 a.m. to join the fun.   If you want to have breakfast with this funny man, be at the Garden Cafe at 14th and Jackson to eat. 

Dave Bak is planning a "Bacon and Bikes" event Saturday, May 18th from 9 a.m. until noon at Bak BMW.  Ask Dave if you need more detail, but usually all it takes to get me interested in something is are the works bacon and bikes.

I heard there was quite a turn out for the Martinsburg ride-in two Saturdays ago.  All I can tell you is that it was in the 70's and 80's in Arkansas last week.  We had one of those surreal rides Wednesday on Highway 21/221 between Russellville, AR and the Missouri boarder, the kind where you don't see traffic, just scenery and curves.

There are a few other camp outs, rides, and rallies on the radar coming up:

Thursday, February 14, 2019

2019 BS Riders Jones'n Party and Slider Contest February 23rd

Happy Valentine's Day Riders!!

If your going to the BMW MOA Scoot Boot'n Boogie National Rally in Lebanon, TN this June, today is the last day to preregister with the big discount ($99 for two or $65 for one) - https://bmwmoaf.regfox.com/2019-bmwmoa-rally   If you have never been to a BMW National Rally, this might be a good one to go to.  There are plenty of great roads nearby.  Also, you don't have to ride a BMW to go to the rally.

Don't forget our "Jones'n and Slider" party is coming up soon on Saturday Feb 23rd at 2 p.m.  There has been some discussion about raising first prize to $100 + bragging rights.  You don't have to compete to enjoy it though, just show up, eat some tiny sandwiches, vote on your favorite, and then lament about the cold weather and the upcoming riding season. http://www.bigsiouxriders.org/2019_Big_Sioux_Riders_Slider_Content_Jonezn_Party.pdf

This coming Saturday is the 20th Annual Winter Open House at Baxter Cycle in Marne, IA.  Royal Enfield and Triumph have some pretty interesting things going on so it's going to be interesting.  https://www.baxtercycle.com/

Monday, January 21, 2019

Best Pricing - 2019 BMW MOA National Rally, Lebanon, TN, Jun 13-15.

Best pricing for the BMW MOA National Rally runs through February 14th - $55 for one or $99 for two.


Tuesday, January 15, 2019

16th Annual Big Sioux Rider/Autobahn Spring Campout, Mother's Day, At the Dam - May 10th - 12th, 2019

Updated April 8th:

The "16th Annual Mother's Day Big Sioux Riders/Autobahn Camp Out" will be on May 10-12th in 2019.  The Camp Out starts on Friday afternoon as in recent years.  Everyone is welcome to stay and camp with us Friday and/or Saturday.  Due to flooding this spring, this year's location is at the North Point Recreation area north of Pickstown, SD.  

Friday evening dinner this year with be chili, brats, chips and desert.  Saturday evening we will be having a shrimp boil with corn bread at the camp ground.  We are also going to try to cook breakfast Saturday morning this year if the weather cooperates.   Free, hot coffee will be provided the whole weekend.  Bring your own beverages.  This is a low key gathering,  Cost is $25 for one night or $30 for both nights people camping in our reserved spots which includes a 2 day SD Park motorcycle/vehicle permit, fire wood, and a space for your tent).  If you have an RV (with a spot), cabin or stay at the hotel, it's $10/night per person, but you have to get your own vehicle permit.  

If you are camping with us in the reserved spots, tell the park staff at the entrance you are camping with us and we will settle with them when they bring the fire wood.  If you have an RV, cabin or hotel room, you will need to pay for your own spot and vehicle permit.

This a good time for everyone to get out and get their tires warmed up.  Friends and all riders of any kind are welcome.  We'll post more details in the next few weeks.

Printable 2019 campout flyer (clicky here)