Friday, September 30, 2011

Jack Shoalmire Tribute SS1000 - South Dakota.

Brion Hase will be riding a Saddle Sore 1000 on October  15th.  This was something Jim Johnson originally signed up for, but due to scheduling conflict Jim cannot do it so Brion is going to pinch hit for him.  It’s called the Jack Shoalmire Tribute Ride.  Jack had a goal of riding a SS1000 in each of the 50 states and was nearly complete with that task when he passed away after a heart attack.  There will be people riding SS1000’s in all 50 states on the 15th and they will be compiling photos and satellite tracks for Jack’s Family.  Jim had signed up for the South Dakota in-state ride so we are going out through the Black Hills and back.  It’s going to be a fun ride so if anyone is interested in riding with Brion, drop him a message.  This does qualify as an Iron Butt ride and there is a discounted fee of $22 for the certificate and processing.