Big Sioux Riders
A motorcycle touring and enthusiast club with members from Northwest Iowa, Northeast Nebraska and Southeast South Dakota... near the banks of the Big Sioux River and Sioux City. BMW MOA Chapter #308.
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
20th Annual Mother's Day Campout - May 12-14th, 2023
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
Big Sioux Rider's 2022 Christmas Party Details from Pres. Dave Moore
Sent: Friday, December 2, 2022 9:34 AM
Subject: Big Sioux Riders Annual Christmas Party
Hello All,
With the Thanksgiving Holiday behind us, the Big Sioux Riders Annual Christmas Party is just about here. The Big Sioux Riders Annual Christmas Party is at Tom & Maria Fountoulakis's, same as last year. The Christmas party is also our annual business meetings, we need your nominations for 2023 officers and the Big Johnson award. Please advise of your attendance and your nominations. Appreciate those who already have responded.
Christmas Party & Annual Meeting
Date: Saturday December 10, 2022 Time 6:00 PM
Location: Tom and Maria Fountoulakis 33554 Hwy 12 ANX Sioux City, Iowa
Potluck Dinner: Please bring your own beverage and your favorite side dish. Bottled water and main meat dish will be provided.
White Elephant Gift Exchange: Please make your gifts interesting within the $ 20.00 ish is range.
2023 Annual Dues: Dues are $25/year for family members and $20/year for individuals. You may pay by Pay Pal or check written to "Big Sioux Riders". Your dues may be given to Steve Martin direct or mailed to Steve Martin Treasurer, 27255 Indian Summer Drive, Hinton, IA 51024.
Election of 2023 Officers: Nominations for President; Vice president; Treasurer and Secretary will be taken from the floor the evening of or you may nominate via email to Dave Moore ( ) or Steve Martin ( ) prior.
Big Johnson Awards - https://bigsiouxriders.
Again please advise of your attendance and expect additional email reminders forth coming. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Dave Moore
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
19th Annual Mother's Day Campout - May 13-15th, 2022
Join us this year and spread the news.
We are returning to (Fort) Randall Creek Recreation Area south dam near Pickstown, SD. That is the state campground below the dam. Cabin B and site 25E are reserved. Another member has reserved Cabin A. Each cabin has 3 bunks. There are other cabins further away. Let me know if you want a cabin bunk. Put your tent up on 26E. Six tents per site. Grab adjoining site if out of space.
The club will be cooking dinner Friday and Saturday nights, breakfast on Saturday morning (and maybe Sunday), and lunch on Saturday. Hot coffee will be available most of the time or on demand.
Riders will be responsible for their on SD State Park vehicle permits this year ($8/day or other options). $15/day for meals, snacks and firewood, $10 tent camping. Cabins will be a little more.
More details later.
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
18th Annual Mother's Day Camout - May 7-9
The "18th Annual Mother's Day Big Sioux Riders/Autobahn Camp Out" will be on May 7-9th in 2021. The Camp Out starts on Friday afternoon as in recent years. Everyone is welcome to stay and camp with us Friday and/or Saturday. We are going back to the (Fort) Randall Creek Recreation Area south dam near Pickstown, SD.
Friday dinner will be brats, Frump’s magic beans, chips and dessert. Saturday dinner will be Jack’s chili, cornbread, chips and desert at the camp ground. We will also cook breakfast Saturday morning if the weather cooperates. Free, hot coffee will be provided the whole weekend. Bring your own beverages. This is a low key gathering, Cost is $25 for one night or $30 for both nights people camping in our reserved spots which includes motorcycle/vehicle permit, firewood, and a space for your tent. Our goal is to break even. If you have an RV (with a spot), cabin or stay at the hotel, it's $10/night per person, but you have to get your own vehicle permit and camping spot/cabin. We have spots 25E and 27E reserved, put your tent up in those spots and on 26E if it is available.
If you are camping with us in the reserved spots, tell the park staff at the entrance you are with us and we will settle with them when they bring the fire wood. If you have an RV, cabin or hotel room, you will need to pay for your own spot and vehicle permit. If you are camping but forced to get vehicle permits at the gate, let us know and we will take that off your price. Please email me (flyer details) a few days ahead of time if you are coming.
This a good time for everyone to get out and get their tires warmed up. Friends and all riders of any kind are welcome. We'll post more details in the next few weeks.
Printable 2021 campout flyer (clicky here)Wednesday, February 12, 2020
BS Riders February 2020 News
Steve Martin reports all twelve slots are filled for the MSF Advanced Rider Class course. The BMW MOA Foundation will be paying for the training for club members. If you not a club member, please pay $20 to the Big Sioux Riders and we will make you a member for the year. If you have questions contact Steve at or call him at (712) 754-0155. Training starts at 9 am Saturday, April 11th and last seven hours plus extra time. Stan Stille is working on the details for entertainment and lodging the evening before in Omaha. We will send out hotel and other details next month.
The 2020 BMW MOA National Rally is in Great Falls, MT on June 25-28, 2020. Through February you can preregister for two riders for $99 which is a pretty healthy discount. Details are here: President Anita and first husband Doug will be hosting the "Shonley National Rally Camping Invitational" in June before and after the National Rally. The BMW MOA rally in Great Falls is about a one day ride from their home near Sturgis, SD. They will provide camping spots and a nice dinner. Contact Doug at to make arrangements.
Jim Johnson is arranging his spring ride in NW Arkansas in early May. If your interested contact him at
Our Big Sioux Riders Spring Campout will be May 10th this year somewhere near Pickstown, SD. We will keep an eye on the weather and flooding before making final decision on which campground. The club is planning on cooking and serving dinner both Friday and Saturday evening and breakfast Saturday morning. We would like to keep our numbers down to around 30 people or so for the campout so that it's manageable for our cooks and organizers. You all still welcome to bring a friend though. We will start figuring out what we are cooking in the next few weeks.
Upcoming Rides and Rallies. This list should keep you all pretty busy, but let me know if something is missing and needs to be added:
Feb 22: Big Sioux Riders, Chili/Soup Contest, Bak BMW, Sioux City
Mar 7: GLMC Pop Cycle Derby, Dennison, MN
Mar 28: Bak Spring Open House, Sioux City
Apr 11 - Big Sioux Riders MSF Advanced Rider Class, Papillion, NE
Apr 25: 35th Annual Motorcycle Flea Market, Pacatonia, IL
May 8 - 10: 17th Annual Big Sioux Riders Spring Campout, Pickstown, SD
May 15 - 17: 46th Annual Great River Road Rally (GR3), Soldier's Grove, WI
May 29 - 31: Hiawatha Rally, Money Creek, MN
Jun 12 - 14: 48th Moto MO Rally, Crane, MO
June 24, 28, 29: Shonley National Rally Camping Invitational, Sturgis, SD
June 25 - 28: BMW MOA National Rally, Great Falls, MT
June 26 - 27: Minnesota Moto Guzzi Rally, Grand Marais, MN
July 10 - 12: 28th Annual Iowa Moto Guzzi Rally, Elkader, IA
July 16 - 18: 49th Annual Top O' Rockies Rally, Paonia, CO
July 31 - Aug 3: 36th Annual Wisconsin Moto Guzzi Rally, Lake Joy, WI
Aug 13 - 16: 22nd Annual Beartooth Beemers Rendezvous, Red Lodge, MT
Aug 14 - 16: 38th Annual Huskerally, Franklin, NE
Sept 11 - 13: 50th Wisconsin Dells Rally
Sept 17 - 20: 44th Pure Stodge Iowa Rally
Sept 17 - 19: BMWRA Rally, Waynesville, NC
The Spink Cafe, after the fire this past winter, has relocated to Elk Point. We will restart our month breakfast rides in April.

Monday, January 6, 2020
BS Rider January 2020 News
Attached is the 2019 Treasurer's summary for the club from Steve Martin. We ended the year with a little more cash then we started with and have a cushion for 2020. Link
There was a short article about Tom Butters in the January BMW MOA magazine. If you don't get the mag, a copy of the article is here.