Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Happy New Year to ALL
I finally figured out how to post on this blog.  Thanks Brion for the help and getting this set up.
I am given to understand that the new year is a time for resolutions.  So I might be able to make a few myself.
First and foremost to ride safely this year so I can make the same one next year.
Second, to ride more, to enjoy the trip and not focus on the destination. To take the time to smell the roses along the way.
Third, as I stated at the Christmas Party, try to get as many events posted on a calendar so all can see the upcoming events.
To that end, please remember that we have breakfast, Saturday Mornings at the Garden Cafe, in Sioux City, starting about 8am.Now the location may change but the date won't.  Lastly, we meet at Bak BMW the second and fourth Wednesday of each month.  Right now because of weather its more fellowship, but as the weather improves, we ride. I will be working on an events calendar this winter, I hope to have it up by March.
Fourth, and lastly, I would like to invite all to join me in as many events as your time will allow.  That is something I am looking forward to doing.  I hope to see you all down the road.  But two things to remember the "Old Sarge" is getting older and his memory was left on a flightline many years ago, along with his hearing.  So say hi and speak up.... My Best To All

the "Old Sarge"
Terry Hughes,
President, Big Sioux Riders

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