Friday, June 22, 2012

New Saturday Breakfast Location - Tim's Garden Cafe, Sioux City

We have changed the Saturday morning group breakfast location a couple weeks ago to Tim's Garden Cafe until further notice.  You may ask why?  Well, it might be because getting over the bridge has become a pain in the butt right now, or it could be we tried to close down the Town House Cafe and failed, or it might be a simple as Al likes the way his eggs benedict looks at Tim's.   Al said there was a club vote, but he may have been the only one who showed up that morning.  No one really knows exactly why the change, other then it just seemed like a good time for a change.

A couple people have asked where breakfast is again this week.  The new location will be at member Tim Konidas’s restaurant "The Garden Cafe" at 1322 Jackson St. (formerly Gus’s Family Restaurant) near downtown Sioux City.  Tim serves free coffee to Big Sioux Riders.

Map Location:

Directions: Take the downtown exit (147B) off of I-29.  Go 5 blocks north, jog one block east (right) to Jackson, turn back north (left) on Jackson and go to 14th Street.  its on the corner of 14th and Jackson - you can't miss it.  If you do, call me at 712-253-4650 and I'll send someone to find you.

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